Mubatsiri – enabling transparency
Hi techies! I’ve been working on this project, called Mubatsiri, since October 2022 in the spirit of giving back to the community. Since 2020, I have volunteered my technical expertise to ECAF, offering a little assistance with website development, filming, and digital abilities. I’ve observed that quite a few beneficiaries are skillful in receiving from NGOs, charities, and other similar entities. For instance, a child may receive funding for the same programs from two or three separate organizations when it comes to school fees, or from three different organizations for food when other family reporting the same difficulties have none.
Mubatsiri is a web platform where NGO’s, Charities or anything non profit related can manage and see who their are helping, cities, categories and even ask for donations. With just one click you are able to see all the programs and events an individual is benefiting from.
how it work:
- Beneficiaries
This is where you add all the people that they help, using national ID as primary key to avoid duplication of details, each person details like Name, surname, Nationality, Gender, Date of birth are among some of the mandatory fields to be captured. With just one click you are able to see all the programs and events an individual is benefiting from.
- Programs
Programs are long term help that is given to beneficiaries example is paying for school fees, medication like BP pills, all are listed and status determines whether the beneficiary is still receiving or not to avoid them from benefiting more than once.
- Events
This are short term, maybe one day or even a week events that are carried out to help people, example is food hampers, girl child, and other events that do not carry forward with the same people for long periods of time.
- Donations
This is an in-app function that can be accessed by the public, each non-profit is allowed to ask for donations from the public which can be paid via the application straight to their bank accounts, card or paypal donations. Things like total amount need and donated so far can be seen, a donation receipt is automatically sent to the donor.
- Categories
Category, this is for grouping our events or programs, used for data reporting also, e.g. Food, Education, Health , e.t.c
- Cities
Grouping each event by city, this helps to see which places are receiving help and the ones that are still to be visited.
- Budget Planner
This is a useful tool for analysis and reporting where you can put all expenses and income incurred during event or program planning, the more you add budgets the easier it is to plan, a mini accounts tool. Gets better with more usage
- Transparency
- More beneficiaries are helped
- Get in app donations
- Efficiency in budget planning
- Easy Reporting tool
This is a tool for everyone, let’s help each other help each other. Any ideas or help is welcome.
come let’s have some fun while giving back to the community. Made with LOVE by Pamela Muzoma